NEWS / Press Releases / General Election 2017 – ACE comments


18 APR 2017


ACE surprised by announcement which will bring more uncertainty

Dr Nelson Ogunshakin OBE, CEO of Association for Consultancy and Engineering (ACE) commented on the Prime Minister’s announcement of a snap general election:

"Like everyone else, including many politicians, ACE was surprised by today’s announcement from the Prime Minister. We thought that last summer with the EU referendum was a time of uncertainty and it now looks like this summer is going to be similar. Notwithstanding that, ACE will be making its views clear to all the political parties so that they get a strong message about the benefits of infrastructure development in creating economic prosperity and rebalancing economic and political power in UK. Our manifesto for the General Election will stress the importance of a strong and well-resourced construction sector and a government that is committed to sustainable investment in quality infrastructure.

"We acknowledge that there may be a delay to some key decisions related to ongoing projects until the outcomes of the General Election are known and a new Government is formed."


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Please contact Karen McLauchlan with any media queries for ACE.