
02 SEP 2020


The Infrastructure Intelligence Live series of events continues on Friday 27 November 2020 with a roundtable looking at the key trends, developments and the prospects for UK firms looking to work overseas. 

This special Infrastructure Intelligence roundtable event will focus on the international sector and examine the key trends, developments and the prospects for UK firms looking to work overseas. In the post-Brexit business landscape, it is likely that some firms will need to cast their horizons further afield in the search for work opportunities and this roundtable will discuss some of the issues that companies will need to consider as they do that.

A recent study by the UK Department for International Trade identified around 25 separate infrastructure export-related initiatives underway highlighting the growing recognition of a key export sector, but there are concerns about the need for better coordination. The merger of DFID and FCO into a new Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Department may signal a welcome level of coordination and this roundtable will look at what this all means for infrastructure firms looking to work internationally.

Get the low-down on winning work overseas by attending this roundtable discussion, which is organised in association with our strategic partner, BECG. 

International Roundtable  
Friday 27 November 2020 at 11am
Click here to register for your free place to attend this roundtable.

The Infrastructure Intelligence Live series of events is organised in association with our strategic partner, BECG