
17 DEC 2020


A new series of online events will bring together leading speakers and influencers from the construction and infrastructure sector during 2021, reports Infrastructure Intelligence editor Andy Walker.

Infrastructure Intelligence has unveiled its 2021 online events programme with an exciting series of webinars, interviews and conferences planned for the year, organised in association with events and communications strategic partner, BECG.

The new Infrastructure Intelligence Live programme covers many of the key issues and themes facing the construction and infrastructure industry and builds on the issues that emerged from our hugely successful 2020 online events programme which saw thousands of industry professionals take part.

This year’s events series kicks off with a webinar highlighting the latest thinking and challenges surrounding risk management, insurance and legal issues facing the industry, swiftly followed by a must-attend event looking at the future of cities in a post-Covid world.

Social value was a recurring theme during our 2020 series of events and reflecting the importance of this issue we are hosting a special virtual conference on Social value and construction in March to inform and promote the debate around the challenge of demonstrating the social benefits of the construction sector and what its work brings to communities.

We will also be tackling the crucial issue of diversity and inclusion in construction with a webinar in April where we will ask why the industry is lagging behind when it comes to diversity in all its forms and explore what needs to be done to ensure that the industry is best placed to address this issue and attract and retain the widest pool of talent.

Placemaking and the government’s levelling up agenda will be highlighted at a webinar in June where we will look at the role of planning and the construction and property sector in redressing the economic imbalance between north and south and September sees us build up to the COP26 international climate change conference with a webinar exploring the global challenge to save the planet.

In October, we have an essential event on how the construction industry can better influence politicians and government to get a positive message across on key issues and in November we will return to the issue climate change with a review of the COP26 event and what it means for our industry. We will round of the year with our customary look forward to what 2022 might bring for construction.

The Infrastructure Intelligence Live series of events is organised in association with our Events and Communications Strategic Partner, BECG.

Click here to view the Infrastructure Intelligence Live 2021 events series and to book places

The Infrastructure Intelligence LIVE series of events is organised in association with our Events and Communications Strategic Partner, BECG