
12 APR 2021


The Scottish government has committed to making hydrogen a key element of Scotland’s decarbonisation plans. Holyrood’s recently published hydrogen policy statement included a target of generating 5GW of renewable and low carbon hydrogen in Scotland by 2030.

According to Paul Wheelhouse MSP, minister for energy, connectivity, and the islands, analysis indicates that Scotland could produce enough hydrogen to meet its demand and also support an export market to Europe. “Our policies will be focussed on support for the development of a low-cost hydrogen capability to meet an initial ambition of generating 5GW of renewable and low-carbon hydrogen by 2030,” Wheelhouse says.

In 2020, the Scottish government, Highlands and Islands Enterprise and Scottish Enterprise, commissioned Arup to carry out a hydrogen assessment, contributing to the evidence base to inform policies in this area. The assessment investigated how and where hydrogen might fit within the evolving energy system technically, geographically and economically.  This work identified a crucial role for hydrogen in helping Scotland to decarbonise and capitalise on the opportunity presented.

At an ACE webinar on 20 April, Arup’s Clare Lavelle will discuss the role of hydrogen in realising a secure, flexible, cost-effective and low carbon energy network, which supports a green economic recovery. She will also explain how Arup’s assessment identified the opportunities for Scotland to play a key role in a critical growing global market.

Wheelhouse said: “Our vision is for Scotland to become a leading hydrogen nation in the production of reliable, competitive, sustainable hydrogen and secure Scotland's future as a centre of international excellence as we establish the innovation, skills and supply chain that will underpin our energy transition. Scotland's unique selling points, are its natural resources, infrastructure and skilled energy workforce which enable us to become the producer of lowest cost hydrogen in Europe by 2045.”

Building a Scottish Hydrogen Economy
An ACE Insight webinar
Tuesday 20 April 2021, from 12pm to 1pm.

Click here to book a free place at this webinar.