17 JUL


Delivering the private sector pipeline after COVID


Infrastructure Intelligence has launched a new webinar series to help the construction sector grapple with the key issues as the UK enters the latest stage in the fight against the coronavirus.

The webinars, which will run every Friday at 11am throughout the summer, will focus on the role of infrastructure investment in the economic recovery, building industry resilience, changing business models and communications in the new digital landscape and continue the good work laid by ACE's Navigating COVID-19 series which helped members deal with the immediate issues highlighted in the COVID crisis.

Notwithstanding the key role that government has played in keeping infrastructure and the economy running during the current crisis, the private sector pipeline will be crucial in ensuring that the construction industry has a plentiful supply of work over the coming months and years. Rising government deficits should result in opportunities for private debt and equity but what will be the view of private investors, developers and major clients on the kinds of projects they will finance. With increasing doubt cast on some projects due to the state of the economy, what kind of private sector pipeline can we expect going forward and who will be the key players in the sector? This webinar will look at the prospects for the future private sector construction and infrastructure pipeline and the implications for firms working in the industry.


Edel Christie


Managing Director Buildings

Ian Fletcher

British Property Federation

Director of Policy (Real Estate)

Ben Lewis

Barton Willmore

Infrastructure and Energy Director

Peter Reekie

Scottish Futures Trust

Chief Executive

On Friday 17 July 2020 at 11am, Coming out of COVID will explore the issues around delivering the private sector pipeline after COVID with a number of guest speakers from Scottish Futures Trust, ArcadisBarton Willmore and British Property Federation. As always the webinar will be compered by Infrastructure Intelligence editor, Andy Walker.