NEWS / Press Releases / ACE welcomes new appointments to the Construction Leadership Council (CLC)


23 JUN 2022


Stephen Marcos Jones: "We’re looking forward to continuing the strong relationship between ACE and the CLC under Mark’s leadership"

Association for Consultancy and Engineering (ACE) CEO Stephen Marcos Jones responds to the appointment of Mark Reynolds of Mace as co-chair of the Construction Leadership Council (CLC) and the appointment of Richard Robinson of ACE member Atkins UK and Europe as deputy co-chair:

“On behalf of our members I would like to welcome the appointment of Mark Reynolds as co-chair. We’re looking forward to continuing the strong relationship between ACE and the CLC under Mark’s leadership and working collaboratively with other industry stakeholders to ensure, wherever possible, that we speak in one voice to Government on cross-industry issues.

“I would also like to welcome the appointment of Richard Robinson, CEO of Atkins UK and Europe and ACE Board Member. In the new role as deputy co-chair he will champion the consultant in the industry discussions, crucial if we are to make the most of our role in delivering ambitions around Net Zero and Levelling Up.

“ACE will continue to be a supporter of the CLC, working closely with Mark, Richard and other stakeholders, to ensure the views of all our members – large and small – are heard clearly by Government.”

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