NEWS / Press Releases / ACE responds to publication of Product Platform Rulebook


03 MAY 2022


Stephen Marcos Jones welcomes new Rulebook from Construction Innovation Hub (CIH)

Stephen Marcos Jones, CEO of the Association for Consultancy and Engineering (ACE) commented on the publication of the Construction Innovation Hub’s Product Platform Rulebook:  

“We welcome the launch of the Rulebook which marks a new chapter for collaboration across the supply chain, which meets a need that we identified in our Project Speed briefing on off-site construction published just a few weeks ago. The Rulebook will help with creating consistent demand, driving changes to procurement to facilitate the efficient use of off-site and encouraging the adoption of a standardised component based approach.

“While the Rulebook is technical in its approach, the impact is potentially transformative for society, putting us on a path us to create social value at speed in the form of new hospitals, schools, transport and other infrastructure.”

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