NEWS / Press Releases / ACE Comments on Infrastructure UK & Major Projects Authority merger


12 NOV 2015


Bodies coming together to form new Infrastructure and Projects Authority (IPA)

Commenting on the news that the government is merging Infrastructure UK and the Major Projects Authority into a new Infrastructure and Projects Authority, Dr Nelson Ogunshakin OBE, chief executive of the Association for Consultancy and Engineering, said:

"We will obviously have to wait for further details to emerge as to how this new organisation will operate, and the wider implications within the newly created National Infrastructure Commission led by Lord Adonis. In the meantime, however, government must ensure it works closely with the infrastructure sector to minimise the uncertainty this policy could create.

Infrastructure projects take years to develop and deliver, with any possibility that they might change causing companies that might be involved to be very reluctant to invest. Only close collaboration and assurances that this merger does not mark a wholesale shift in government policy during the transition period will calm the market. We hope the government and the new authority led by Tony Meggs will heed this warning."

Dr Ogunshakin also commented on the news that Geoffrey Spence is to stand down:

"Geoffrey has been an excellent champion for infrastructure within government and his voice will be greatly missed, particularly at a time when the UK stands on the cusp of a new age of project delivery. We wish him the best in his future endeavours."


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