
07 JUL 2020


For the second issue in a row, Infrastructure Intelligence is published in digital format due to the coronavirus lockdown, writes Andy Walker in his latest editor's comment.

Welcome to the second digital edition of Infrastructure Intelligence published under the coronavirus lockdown. As I write this editor’s comment, we have just seen a further easing of the government’s pandemic restrictions with bars and restaurants open for the first time for months, albeit under strict safety conditions. 

While it’s right that people should raise a glass at a further return to normality, any celebrations must be tempered by knowing that many people have suffered dreadfully during this crisis and, as we enter this new phase of recovery, the economic aftershocks are likely to be extremely severe, especially on construction and infrastructure businesses and their staff.

This latest issue is of course dominated by the pandemic but we strike an upbeat tone with news of the government’s big focus on “build, build, build” to drive economic recovery, an update on the Construction Leadership Council’s industry revitalisation plans and a number of heartening articles that show how our industry is looking to the new normal with optimism and a renewed sense of collaboration.

One thing that we can be sure about in the weeks and months ahead – and the experience of the past three months has borne this out –  is that whatever the challenges placed before our industry, we know that it has within its ranks some of the most conscientious, caring and socially minded people anywhere. They are determined to play their full part as the UK emerges from this crisis and must to be given every encouragement and opportunity to do so.

Andy Walker is the editor of Infrastructure Intelligence.

Click here to download the July/August edition of Infrastructure Intelligence.