NEWS / ACE News / Working globally? We need your feedback…

ACE News

30 OCT 2018


ACE’s International Business group asking for input for a new series of guidance notes

ACE is asking for feedback from members on the production of a new set of guidance notes around international business.

Its International Business group is putting together a new series of guidance to help ACE members working abroad. It is asking all members who have significant interests overseas to fill out a simple survey.

The findings will help to shape the activity of the group and the topics covered. The notes aim to provide all members with a frame of reference, examples of best-practice and to share knowledge across the membership base.

Suggested topics around foreign exchange, governing laws, payment claims and disputes, health and safety, bribery and corruption, insurance, intellectual property, safeguarding, visa and working permits, supplier diligence and cultural issues, import and export.

Please take a few minutes to fill out our online survey and help to shape the future of the group’s activity.