NEWS / ACE News / We need your views on apprenticeships and skills

ACE News

23 MAR 2021


Following the pivot of TAC, help shape our member support on apprentices

The Technical Apprenticeship Consortium (TAC) which provides a one-stop source of information, advice and guidance for ACE and EIC members who employ, or who are thinking of employing apprentices, has launched a short online survey to help shape its future.

TAC has recently moved away from a limited subscription model, and this poll will help it to identify all members’ needs in this space. The results of the survey, which only takes around eight minutes to complete, will input into developing TAC’s new strategy and offering.

Commenting on the survey launch, Kimberly Murphy, apprenticeship and skills manager at ACE, said: “This is a great opportunity for members to, not only let us know how we can help and support them and their apprentices, but to let us know what their plans are for the future.”

“Through TAC we work with an extensive network of experts from the world of business and education and we can help any ACE or EIC member – no matter their size or location – that is considering employing an apprentice or further developing their apprenticeship programme.”

Take the online survey now.

Interested in finding out more about working with apprentices? ACE and EIC members can get in touch with Kimberly Murphy today.