NEWS / ACE News / Infrastructure Intelligence: Download September/October 2022 edition

ACE News

20 SEP 2022


Editor Rob O'Connor share the highlights from the latest magazine

Liz Truss takes centre-stage on our front cover after becoming the new UK prime minister and quickly making widespread changes in appointing a new cabinet.

We have five-pages of industry reaction, with leading industry figures welcoming the new PM and calling for a continued focus on infrastructure, net zero and levelling up.

Elsewhere, our friends at the Association for Consultancy and Engineering (ACE) have launched a brand new three-year Blueprint that will ensure they remain focussed on members’ interests.

We also feature key opinion pieces on the importance of the industry adopting a positive work/life balance, plus the essential role social value can play in helping communities across the UK to thrive.

Our industry has always had a vital role to play in the social and economic wellbeing of the nation, the environment and society at large. 

That role has rarely been more important, with the challenging times the nation and the planet itself faces at the moment, and it’s clear that the industry is ready to work with government and others to make sure we do the right thing for future generations to follow safely in our footsteps.

We hope you enjoy this edition of the magazine.

Rob O’Connor is editor at Infrastructure Intelligence.

Download the magazine from Infrastructure Intelligence.