30 JUN



Consultancy 4.0 is a major new campaign from the Association for Consultancy and Engineering (ACE) showcasing the changing offering from consultancies working in the built environment, based around data, expert insight and analysis.

To celebrate the campaign’s launch on Wednesday 30 June 2021, Infrastructure Intelligence and ACE are co-hosting a high-level roundtable discussion for consultants and clients.

The online roundtable will highlight the new Consultancy 4.0 website which will show how consultants have adapted to deliver in a changing world, why they should be considered as the ‘partner of choice’ for both public and private clients and how to collaborate to get the most out of any close working relationship.

The website is being set up as a dedicated platform to showcase not only the changing offering of consultancy firms, but also the excellence and wide experience of the sector. The site will feature a number of innovative, interactive and visual case studies from ACE members showcasing their expertise and builds on previously released research, webinars and articles from ACE’s Future of Consultancy work.

Panellists at the roundtable will explore the changing nature of the industry which now delivers across the entire lifecycle of an asset, why clients should reconsider out-of-date preconceptions and what the entire supply chain can do to work better together.

The roundtable will be compered by Infrastructure Intelligence editor Andy Walker and joining him will be Paul Tremble, chief strategy officer of WSP and chair of ACE’s future markets group, Hannah Vickers, chief executive of ACE, Emma-Jane Houghton, commercial director and UK new hospital programme, cabinet office, Peter Reekie, chief executive of Scottish Futures Trust and Tony Slater of Highways England, representing the consultancy and client sectors.


Emma-Jane Houghton

UK’s new hospital programme

Commercial Director

Peter Reekie

Scottish Futures Trust

Chief Executive

Tony Slater

Highways England

Alliance manager

Paul Tremble

WSP in the UK

Chief Strategy Officer

Hannah Vickers


Chief of Staff

Events  team

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