11 MAR
The Technical Apprenticeship Consortium (TAC) holds regular meetings which bring together regionally based apprenticeship employers, representatives of professional institutions and training providers.
The regional forums are an informal way for apprenticeship employers to share best practice, keep abreast of industry developments, and network.
Although these meetings are open to any ACE or EIC member, please contact Kimberly Murphy for details on accessing the meetings which are currently taking place virtually.
We host regional meetings for London & the South East, Midlands, the North and South West.
Meetings will take place two to three times a year.
Dr. Caroline Sudworth
Consultant: Apprenticeship Standards
Caroline leads the trailblazer group activity and manages TAC's eight apprenticeship standards.
csudworth@acenet.co.ukKimberly Murphy
Apprenticeship and Skills Manager
Manages the TAC programme and relationships with employers and training providers.
kmurphy@acenet.co.uk 07944 927178