
17 MAR 2020


The construction and infrastructure sector is facing unprecedented challenges over the coming weeks and possibly months, but Infrastructure Intelligence is here to provide a platform for the industry, writes editor Andy Walker.

The coronavirus is obviously at the front of everyone's thoughts at the moment and it looks like it will remain the case for the foreseeable future. The crisis is obviously going to have a huge impact not only on society as a whole, but on the infrastructure and construction industry too.

Latest ‘social isolation’ measures announced by the government will make all but the most essential contact between people impossible and many companies will find it extremely difficult to communicate with their stakeholders, clients and suppliers.

As a primarily online entity, Infrastructure Intelligence is available as a news platform for any comments or opinions our readers and the industry would like to share on how the virus and its implications (increased sick leave and self-isolation, potential public lockdowns, etc) is likely to affect the work of their company, organisation, clients they represent, or the wider sector and business itself.

Could the current crisis mean revised contracts, delivery and completion schedules, effects on workforce and the supply chain? Will construction sites shut down altogether as work grinds to a halt across the country? Does anyone really know? The list of potential issues and challenges is endless.

We are asking readers to continue to send us their comments and news during the unfolding crisis and on an ongoing basis we are happy to consider any opinion pieces firms may wish to contribute as events develop. Whatever happens, myself and all the team here at Infrastructure Intelligence will be happy to help support the industry in any way we can during these unprecedented times.  

The construction and infrastructure sector, like all businesses, needs to come out on the other side of this crisis and we are here to provide a platform to promote the industry at a difficult time and enable firms to maintain their profile in unprecedented times. We will also be looking to facilitate online discussions and debate on key issues to keep the industry informed.

Together, as an industry, we need to get through the current crisis. Overcoming the long-term infrastructure challenges society faces depends on a healthy construction sector able to carry out the work the country needs that will help the economy recover. We will be doing all we can to ensure that the industry is able to maintain its profile over the coming weeks and possibly months.

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