
29 JUL 2019


Industry award winners, infrastructure politics, industry change and new digital technologies all feature in the latest Infrastructure Intelligence print magazine, says Andy Walker in his latest editor's comment.

The summer issue of Infrastructure Intelligence is traditionally where we report on the winners of this year’s Consultancy and Engineering Awards. Once again, this year, there were some brilliant projects and people rewarded for excellence and potential and it was great to see the awards presentation put women centre stage too (p21-27). More of this please.

We give politics an airing this issue and report on an airport in Teesside that helped to win a mayoral election (p16-17), a road in Wales that’s been failed by devolution (p6), an environment threatened by the fall-out from Brexit (p19) and Scottish engineers and consultants taking their message to the Holyrood parliament (p7).

We can’t get away from industry change and articles on new business models (p8), the changing face of BIM (p18), rethinking how consultants charge for work and valuing natural capital (p30-31) offer much food for thought for our readers.

Technological change also features prominently in this issue, with the government’s infrastructure digital tsar calling on the industry to work more closely together to avoid digital chaos and confusion (p9) and a fascinating interview with experts from Bentley Systems, who talk transformation and digital twins (p14-15).

Much on which to ponder then, as you contemplate a week or two on the beach or some time spent relaxing in the country. However you spend your holidays, I hope you get a decent summer break. We’ll return in print in September and continue to update you constantly online at 

Andy Walker is the editor of Infrastructure Intelligence.

Click here to download the July/August edition of Infrastructure Intelligence.